Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix for Dips, Dressings, & More

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix
5/5 – (2 votes)

Everything tastes better with Ranch Dressing, right? Salads, wings, chicken strips, fresh veggie trays. The list is endless, but so is the ingredients list on the bottled stuff. Skip the grocery store line and all of the questionable ingredients, whip up a batch of my Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix for Dips, Dressings, & More.

It’s super easy and versatile. You can make a fun dip for a casual evening snack or a party, salad dressing for your favorites crisp greens or pasta salad, you can even add it to things like compound butters or homemade crackers.

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix for Dips, Dressings, & More

Ditch the Packets…

This is another one of my favorite pantry staples. Homemade ranch mix is the real MVP and a must have in an scratch kitchen. Replace the packets by adding 2-3 tablespoons in it’s place to any recipe that calls for it (this will vary depending on how you want it to taste). But why, you ask, is homemade ranch mix so much better? Let’s break it down:

  • Freshness matters: No more preservatives or mystery ingredients lurking in the bottle. You control the quality and quantity of the spices & salt, meaning flavors that actually taste like, well, what they’re supposed to.
  • Customization is king: Garlic fiend? Add more. Craving a touch of cayenne heat? Go for it! 
  • Budget-friendly: Making your own ranch mix is way cheaper than buying pre-made packets. Plus, you can whip up a big batch and store it for up to 6 months, meaning homemade ranch is always at your beck and call.

What You’ll Need:

Buttermilk Powder- Buttermilk is the residual liquid left over during the butter making process.  Buttermilk powder is created by dehydrating the buttermilk until it’s in a powder form. Perfect and necessary for this recipe.

Dried Parsley

Dried Dill

Dried Chives

Granulated Onion

Minced Dried Onion

Powdered Garlic

Mustard Powder


A touch of sugar for balance.

An air-tight jar for storage.

Mix it up!

  • Buffalo Ranch Cauliflower Wings: Toss roasted cauliflower florets in your homemade ranch mix and buffalo hot sauce. Bake or air-fry and garnish with some parmesan cheese for a guilt-free game-day snack.
  • Ranch Deviled Eggs: Add some Ranch seasoning (to taste) to your favorite “basic” filling (minus any pickle or relish). Fill your deviled eggs with this creamy ranch mixture for a tangy twist on a classic.
  • Ranch Dip: Whip up a batch of your mix and combine it with some Greek yogurt or Sour Cream & lemon juice. Top it off with some sliced green onions for a healthy and satisfying dip for your veggie trays or charcuterie boards. (See recipe card below.)
  • Salad Dressing: Make the dip as above but add a little extra lemon juice and olive oil OR buttermilk to taste. (See recipe card below.)
  • Ranch Pasta Salad: Toss cooked pasta with chopped vegetables, grilled chicken, and a homemade ranch dressing for a quick and easy weeknight meal.
  • Mississippi Pot Roast Chili: When replacing the packets, this is one of my favorite ways to do it. It is a healthy-ish twist on a classic. Check out the recipe here.
  • Sourdough Discard Crackers: Fellow sourdough bakers will understand the dilemma of not wanting to waste that precious starter and crackers are not only the easiest way to accomplish that, they taste great when seasoned with some Ranch Mix!

Looking for more pantry staples or appetizers? Check these out!

Homemade Taco Seasoning Mix

Blender Alfredo Pizza & Pasta Sauce

Fresh Blackberry Chia Jam

Easy Tomato Salsas: 3 Ways

My Mom’s Roasted Red Salsa

Smoky & Spicy Chipotle Hummus Dip

Creamy Green Goddess Hummus

If you try my Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix or any of my other recipes, comment & rate below.

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Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix for Dips, Dressings, & More

Everything tastes better with Ranch Dressing, right? Salads, wings, chicken strips, fresh veggie trays. The list is endless, but so is the ingredients list on the bottled stuff. Skip the grocery store line and all of the questionable ingredients, whip up a batch.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Pantry Staple
Cuisine American
Servings 8
Calories 75 kcal


  • 1 Air-Tight Jar for Storage



  • 2/3 cup buttermilk powder
  • 1/4 cup dried parsley
  • 1-1/2 tablespoons granulated onion
  • 1-1/2 tablespoons minced dried onion
  • 1 teaspoon mustard powder
  • 2 teaspoons dried dill
  • 2 teaspoons dried chives
  • 2 teaspoons black pepper, or to taste
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt. or to taste
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons sugar, optional


  • 1 cup Greek Yogurt or Sour Cream, See Notes Below
  • 2-3 tablespoons ranch mix
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, or to taste
  • salt & pepper to taste, if needed

Ranch Dressing INGREDIENTS:

  • 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt or Sour Cream, See Notes Below
  • 1/2 cup mayo
  • 2-3 tablespoons ranch mix
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, or to taste
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste, if needed



  • In a small mixing bowl combine all ingredients and stir until well combined.
  • 2 tablespoons of this mix will replace 1 packet of store-bought in any recipe that calls for it.
  • Place in an airtight container and store up to 6 months in a cool, dark place. I keep mine in the fridge.


  • In a small mixing bowl combine all ingredients and stir until well combined.
  • Adjust seasoning as needed.
  • Serve with your favorite veggies or appetizer trays. Also works great for charcuterie platters or even school lunches.
  • Store in an air-tight container for up to 4 days.

Ranch Dressing DIRECTIONS:

  • In a small mixing bowl combine all ingredients and whisk in the lemon juice and oil until well combined.
  • Thin it out as needed with a little bit of water. Adjust seasoning as you prefer.
  • Store in an air-tight container for up to 4 days.


Nutritional values and servings for the mix are estimates only. 
Dip & Dressing:
You can use any combination of sour cream, mayo, or buttermilk to your preference to customize the dip or dressing to suit your tastes and the desired consistency. 


Serving: 20gCalories: 75kcalCarbohydrates: 11gProtein: 6gFat: 1gSaturated Fat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.1gMonounsaturated Fat: 0.3gCholesterol: 10mgSodium: 956mgPotassium: 335mgFiber: 1gSugar: 8gVitamin A: 901IUVitamin C: 11mgCalcium: 212mgIron: 1mg
Keyword diy ranch mix recipe, pantry staples, ranch dip, ranch dressing, ranch pasta salad, ranch potato salad, ranch seasoning
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2 responses to “Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix for Dips, Dressings, & More”

  1. Love this! It’s always better if you can make your own mixes so you definitely know what’s in it. A lot of times I feel that there is way to much salt in a lot of those pre made ones

    1. Yes definitely, much better because you can customize the spices too ☺️

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